Tuesday, November 8

Foodbuzz Blogger Fest 2011 - Tasting Pavilion

 It's that time of year again. I noticed some bloggers had posted events as they were happening. By the time I got home, everyone had already recapped their event. I feel so behind, but to make up for it, I will post picture heavy for those of you who have not been here before or don't go to these events. I'm not going to take it for granted, free food is free food and giveaways are always cool! There's way too much to go into detail but here are some highlights.

Different kinds of pickles.

 Live endive (pronounced endeev) with their roots.

Australian grass fed lamb rolls. 

Sodas made from wine grapes, minus the alcohol. Very yummy!

Organic Three Twins Ice Cream. So good. Phil had chocolate and I had mint chocolate chip.  The guys are twins with each other and one of them married a woman who is also a twin = Three Twins.

Mission Mini's was also here last year when they were being filmed for a Food Network show, which I'm told only aired this year. Just like last year, they totally blew me away. I love these bite sized cupcakes. Although they didn't have any red velvet this year, the flavors were still so good.

J. Lee Roy's dippin sauce gave away free bottles of their sauces. My sister would be so happy. She likes this brand and I do too!

 Ticings, which is a familiar face from last year, had a great stall. They're introducing new pre-made designs of fondant, also customizable online if you want. The fondant really makes the brownies look classy.

A little disappointed by Alaska Seafood's booth wasn't as big this year, but definitely not disappointed by the crab/avocado lettuce bites they served. This was so good we came back for seconds.

Chef Tyler Florence signed autographs.

Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois co-wrote Artisan Pizza and Flatbread in Five Minutes a Day. I got myself a free signed copy and a picture with these two. Pizza is right up my alley, will be trying a recipe some day.

The best bite of the event: Estancia free range, grass fed beef. It sounds really hoity toity to say you taste a difference between grass fed beef and regular beef, but in this specific bite, yes I tasted a difference. Maybe it was the way the presenters grilled it up on the spot, maybe it was the perfect tenderness, maybe it was because I could only savor one little bite at a time, but this was THE BEST BITE of the tasting pavilion.If I could get my hands on some affordable Estancia free range beef, I would do nothing to it but grill it up. No marinade, no seasoning, no sauce. GOOD!

Look who eats by herself outside on the ground...Next post will be dinner and brunch combined. The last post will be on the oh so cool goodie bags they gave.


  1. Looks like I missed some good stuff, my fault for getting there so late. So glad I got to run into you again and say hi. Don't feel bad I haven't written anything yet because I came home with a cold. If I don't see you before then, hopefully next year.

  2. looks so goooooood. and love the last pic of you. typical ngoc.

  3. What a fun time!! Wish I could have been there.

  4. HOLY!!!!! That is amazing. Was this a private foodie blogger invite-only event?! I'd love to go next year since I live not too far from SF. How much is the event? This looks so amazing. And you saw Tyler Florence! He's my favorite chef on Food Network! ;) He lives in Marin County I think! :)

  5. I didn't post until I got back either! I love your photos; they are so much better than mine. (That's on my to-do list of things to improve on as I grow saagAHH.) What program did you use to do the cool photo collage things? I use Picnik sometimes, but mine don't look as nice?

  6. @Jen, for bloggers, it was $30. For public, it's $350 for 3 days which is quite alot. =( Yes, I think Tyler Florence lives in the Bay Area, he mentioned that in his demo.



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